
para Eddie Vedder


em pinturas Premium.


O seu instrumento
já sai regulado ou
retificado, com os
nossos serviços
de luthieria.

Em breve teremos
muitas novidades.

MK Vestuário


Natural fosco poros abertos – Jacarandá(Rosewood)

Natural fosco poros abertos – Jacarandá(Rosewood)

Sólida Brilhante – Amarelo Croma

Sólida Brilhante – Amarelo Croma

Telecaster Floral Exclusiva – MK®

Telecaster Floral Exclusiva – MK®

Green Sparkle

Green Sparkle

Sólida fosco poros abertos – Surf Green

Sólida fosco poros abertos – Surf Green

Black Piano – Sólida Brilhante

Black Piano – Sólida Brilhante

Solida fosco poro aberto – Preto

Solida fosco poro aberto – Preto

Red Sparkle Over Black

Red Sparkle Over Black

Brandywine Sparkle

Brandywine Sparkle

Natural Ash brilhante – Warmoth

Natural Ash brilhante – Warmoth

Azul Royal Sparkle

Azul Royal Sparkle

Metálica Fosca – Apple Red

Metálica Fosca – Apple Red

Outros produtos

A Music Kolor tem como objetivo estabelecer um diálogo constante com seus clientes, visando medir o nível de satisfação em relação a cada um dos projetos realizados. Para tanto, a empresa dispõe de diversos canais por meio dos quais as opiniões, elogios e sugestões podem ser registradas.


I had a Music Man Stingray with the painting completely damaged, scratched, with impact marks … I sent it to Music Kolor for refinish and I was very satisfied. I  recommend to everyone.

Lester Kenedy – Vitória – ES – BR

I have a repair workshop for renovation of musical instruments in Sorocaba. I was searching for a painting specialized company for a while. I found Music Kolor online. Immediately I sent a Strato guitar that was here for many months. I was surprised with the result and I recommend the services!

Mauro Tanaka Riyis – Sorocaba – SP – BR

I met Music Kolor from a friend here in London who knew the company and suggested me to contact them. I didn’t find this pattern of professionals here in UK. My Fender Stratocaster got amazing, much better than I could imagine! I suggest MK with all my confidence.


James Morgan – London – UK